Hetalia: Axis Powers - Sealand

The Simple Present Tense

Senin, 02 November 2015

Simple present tense used to express activities into habits / routines / habits of daily.
Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Simple present tense digunakan untuk  menyatakan aktivitas yang menjadi kebiasaan/ rutinitas/ kebiasaan sehari-hari.

The Pattern Positive Sentence
S+Adverb of Frequency+TO BE+Verb 1(s/es)+O+AOT(Adverb Of Time)/Place
       Positive sentences, for the subject “He,She,It”,the use of the verb must end with “s or es”.
Kalimat positif, untuk subject "He, She, It", penggunaan kata kerjanya (VERB) harus diakhiri dengan "s/es."
Ø  He usually drinks coffe a house  every morning.
Ø  She seldom writes a story every week.
Ø  We often clean the room every Sunday.
Ø  Riana sometimes plays doll the badroom on Monday.
Ø  They always goes to study every Day.
Ø  You ever reads book the library on the breaktime.
Ø  I  usually cook the kitchen every Day.

The Pattern Negative Sentence
S+Adverb of frequency+Do/Does + Not+Verb 1+O+AOT(AdverbOf Time)
Verb 1
       Verb 1 (V1) is the frist verb. Example V 1 :
       Go (Pergi).
       Eat (Makan).
       Drink (Minum).
       Write (Menulis).
       Buy (Membeli).
       Read (Membaca) etc.
So, the difference between “do” and “does” namely :
            Do : used for the subject (I, You, They, We)
            Does : used for the subject (She, He,It).
Jadi letak perbedaan antara "do" dan "does" yaitu :
       Do : Digunakan untuk subject (I, you, they, we).
       Does : Digunakan untuk subject (She, he, it).
NOTE : ( do not ) can be shortened (don’t), while (does not)
can be abbreviated as (doesn’t).
Untuk catatan : (do not) bisa disingkat menjadi (don't), sedangkan (does not) bisa disingkat menjadi (doesn't).

Ø  He does not have a dictionary.
Ø  They do not have a bicycle.
Ø  She does not write a story every week.
Ø  We do not clean the room every week.
Ø  I do not go to school every morning.
Ø  You do not go to the office by train.
Ø  Ifa does not live in a small house.

The Pattern Interogative Sentence
Do/Does+S+Adverb of frequency+Verb 1+O+AOT+?

Ø  Does she write a story every week?
No, She doesn’t
Ø  Do you speak English?
Yes, I do
Ø  Do Amanda work at te office?  
No, I don’t.
Ø  Do They go to the school by bus
Yes, They do. 
Ø  Do I live in a small house?
No, I don’t.
Ø  Does he usually we ar e blue tie?
Yes, he does.
Ø  Do we greet the teachers if we meet them?
Yes, we do.

a. Adverb of frequency.
              Always                   selalu
              Usually                   biasanya
             Often                         sering
             Sometimes                kadang-kadang
             Seldom                      jarang
             Never                         tidak pernah
             Ever                            pernah
b. Adverb of Time.
Every hour, every minute, every morning, every day, in the morning, once a week, on Sunday, at five o’clock and so on
c. Verb
ü  Verb is used in a positive sentence is added to the verb 1 s / es, and depends on the subjec used.
Verb digunakan dalam kalimat positif ditambahkan ke Verb 1 s / es, dan tergantung pada subjek yang digunakan.
ü  Verb is used a negative sentence is added to the verb 1, to form a negative verbal sentence should be added to the "do / does + not" is placed before the verb infinitive.
Verb digunakan dalam kalimat negatif ditambahkan ke Verb 1, untuk membentuk kalimat verbal yang negatif harus ditambahkan ke "Do / Does + Not" ditempatkan sebelum Verb 1.
ü  Interrogative sentence or time in the form of the simple present tense is formed by adding do or does in front of the subject. Without the addition of s / es in Verb 1.
Kalimat tanya atau waktu dalam bentuk simple present tense dibentuk dengan menambahkan do atau does di depan subjek. Tanpa penambahan s/es pada Verb 1.

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